Sunday, April 17, 2011

005. Things to be happy about

"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have." -Frederick Keonig

My list of things to be happy about
I have a wonderful, supportive, loving family.
I have the best, weirdest, most loving friends that allow me to be my weird, wacky self.
I'm completely in love with a really amazing guy.
I got into a really tough school and I'm so lucky that they have such an understanding, wonderful faculty.
My major is something I love doing (RADIOOO), so I'll never have to work a day in my life.
I have my physical health (hopefully).
The sun is slowly rising over Selinsgrove right now.
I have a very comfy bed.
I have lots of tea I could make. :D
I have part-time jobs I like a lot.
Birds are chirping right now. (:
I have a special project in mind for my 2 best friends here at SU who are going through the same rough stuff I am.
I have been through dark times before; I can make it again.
Two words: Harry. Potter.
And SpongeBob SquarePants. (Go ahead & judge, bro. I love me some SpongeBob.)
The feeling of sand between my toes.
LuAnn (formerly Jennifer, formerly Bleeker) is a pretty sturdy car, even for being almost 17 years old and having close to 235,000 miles on it.
Humor is the best ever.
Cuddling under a blanket during a rainy day and reading a book.
Watching a favorite movie over and over.
Philly chicken cheesesteaks.
How about just cheese? I love cheese.
Riot grrrl (The DJ and the music genre)
Alternative music
Ramen noodles
Peanut butter
Volkswagen cars
Subaru cars
My brother, who knows everything there is to know about cars.
The Ramones
The Clash
Comfy sweaters
Albus Dumbledore
Post-it notes
"Haters gonna hate."
The fact that Lissa Skitolsky exists (she's my philosophy professor & she is AWESOME)
Audrey Hepburn movies
Movies with awesome soundtracks
Fishtail braids
Red hair
Blonde hair
Brown hair
Hair the color of the rainbow
Happy babies
Having a deep conversation with someone you're close to
New York City
Funny or Die
People being idiots on the Internet (errrrm...)
Lots of rain = super green grass
Strawberries, either fresh or covered in chocolate
Spice Girls
Old book smell
How beautiful the Ave looks as the sun rises over these dark clouds

I'll stop here for now.

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